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A number of resources are available to help schools develop partnerships and locate research-based programs that can provide significant external assistance.

Educational Partnerships Program

A Guide to Promising Practices in Educational Partnerships. Based on a national study of educational partnerships, this 63-page guide includes examples of needs assessments and strategies for staffing, staff development, community involvement, and more. Available online or from WestEd.

ed.gov/ pubs/ prompract/ index.html


National Staff Development Council

Results-Based Staff Development for the Middle Grades. Twenty-six content-specific professional development programs for the middle grades are profiled online. The report can also be downloaded.

www.nsdc.org/ educatorindex .htm


National Clearinghouse for Comprehensive School Reform

On-line services include a database of school reform research literature, funding and conference announcements, and a quarterly newsletter.

www.goodschools .gwu .edu/


Northwest Regional Educational Laboratory

Catalog of School Reform Models. Schoolwide and content-based reform models are catalogued for on-line reading or downloading. Each model is described in terms of its origin, general description, results, implementation assistance, costs, student populations, special considerations, and selected evaluations.

www.nrel.org /scpd/ natspec/ catalog/




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