Search results: “restorative practices” – Page 1
Showing 1–9 of 17 results
Restorative Ways of Being to Embody What Is Possible: A Guide for Restorative Leaders
This guide explores five restorative ways of being that can guide decision-making in difficult situations.
Restorative Justice in U.S. Schools: An Updated Research Review
This updated review documents the current breadth of evidence on restorative justice, provides a more comprehensive picture of how restorative practices are implemented in schools, and lays the groundwork for future research, implementation, and policy.
Restorative Practices Beyond the Classroom: Integrating Circle Practices Into Existing School Processes
The brief describes the need and rationale for expanding the use of restorative practices in contexts outside of the classroom, including IEP/504 meetings, staff meetings, committee meetings, and online spaces.
Restorative Justice in Schools: Highlights of Research and Practice in the U.S. (Encore Presentation)
Anthony Petrosino and Sarah Guckenburg discuss restorative justice, a non-punitive approach to school conflict.
Restorative Justice in Schools
Anthony Petrosino and Sarah Guckenburg discuss restorative justice, a non-punitive approach to school conflict.
A Reflective Process for Working Through Complex Restorative Practice Dilemmas in Schools
This brief offers a reflective process for individuals and teams to use when facing a complex restorative practices dilemma at their school or district.
Can Restorative Practices Bridge Racial Disparities in Schools? Evidence from the California Healthy Kids Survey
In this brief, we investigate whether increasing student exposure to restorative practices could help reduce racial discipline and achievement gaps, drawing from a large sample of secondary students who completed the California Healthy Kids Survey between the 2013/14 and 2018/19 school years.
Equitable Environments and Relationships: Cultivating Strong Tier 1 Practices in Multi-Tiered System of Supports
This archived webinar can help educators cultivate and model strong Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) tier-one practices. Tier 1 of the MTSS framework encompasses core instructions and primary interventions that help to create a supportive atmosphere and build positive relationships between staff and students.