Recorded on October 14, 2015
This webinar was sponsored by the Secondary Literacy Partnership.
Nancy Brynelson and Jo Ann Isken, lead developers of the California Department of Education’s English Language Arts/English Language Development Framework for California Public Schools (English language arts/English language development [ELA/ELD] Framework), discuss the importance of the role teachers play in leading implementation of the ELA/ELD Framework.
Webinar presenters use snapshots and other passages from the Framework to help participants consider how secondary teachers can take the lead on their students’ literacy development.
What You Will Learn
- How to transition from a “siloed” environment to one that is more collaborative
- How to facilitate collaboration among teachers and colleagues across departments and grade levels to support content instruction and integrated and designated ELD
- Teachers’ role and active engagement in professional learning
Who Will Benefit
Site teams of teachers, specialists, and administrators are encouraged to attend.