Recorded on February 09, 2011
English language development (ELD) for adolescent English language learners is the focus of this archived webinar.
You will learn about an approach on rethinking English language development instruction for adolescent English language learners based on current research and promising practices.
Webinar presenters outline a model for rigorous standards-aligned instructed ELD, illustrative examples, and practical tools to inform ELD program design. They also focus on the explicit teaching of vocabulary and syntactical structures as critical components in building students’ oral and written academic English.
Presenters are Susana Dutro, a founding partner of E.L. Achieve, an organization whose mission is to help educators equip English learners on the road to academic achievement, and Kate Kinsella, faculty member in San Francisco State University’s Center for Teacher Efficacy and consultant to districts and state departments throughout the nation.