
Western Educational Equity Assistance Center

Providing technical assistance and training to promote equitable education opportunities and resources.

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Current Challenge

The Equity Assistance Center program is authorized under Title IV of the Civil Rights Act of 1964. More than 60 years later, students continue to experience bullying; discriminatory harassment on the basis of race, gender, national origin, and religion; and disproportionate rates of chronic absence, graduation, and exclusionary discipline. 


The Western Educational Equity Assistance Center (WEEAC) provides universal, targeted, and intensive technical assistance at the request of school boards and other responsible governmental agencies on issues related to equity in education to ensure that all children—regardless of race, gender, national origin, or religion—have equal access to a quality education. 

Audience Served

The WEEAC provides technical assistance and training—upon request from school districts, tribal, and state education agencies—to promote equitable education opportunities and resources. 

Key Activities

The WEEAC disseminates information on successful education practices and legal requirements, and provides training, technical assistance, and instruction to help school districts, school boards, state education agencies, and others resolve civil rights conflicts and promote educational equity. 

Center Director

Niki Sandoval

Niki Sandoval

Niki Sandoval brings 30 years of experience working with American Indian communities and cultural and educational institutions on educational and economic advancement. She partners…


This project is funded in full by the U.S. Department of Education through award number S004D220004. 

Project Duration

5 years (2022-2027)

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