Building an Interim Assessment System: A Workbook for School Districts
This workbook, prepared by WestEd for the Council of Chief State School Officers, contains the vision, infrastructure, and resource questions critical to a thorough, district-level self-examination of readiness for an interim assessment system. Staff at state departments of education can also use this resource with district-level staff that need guidance.
The questions are intended to guide school districts and other district stakeholders through a structured consideration of building or revisiting a district’s interim assessment system. The questions are designed to be answered collaboratively. The authors of this workbook believe that a team of district stakeholders addressing these questions is the approach most likely to yield progress in creating a lasting, successful system.
The workbook is organized into the following nine sections:
- Goals and Vision
- Elements and Features
- Professional Development
- Alignment to Standards and Curriculum
- Costs and Capacity
- Test Development and Technical Quality
- Administration and Scoring
- Reporting
- Evaluation
Resource Details
Product Information
Copyright: 2010Format: PDF
Pages: 23
Publisher: Council of Chief State School Officers
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