Listening Deeply and Responding Accordingly: R15CC Facilitates a Community of Practice Rooted in the Perspectives of American Indian Education Directors
Indigenous students in the United States experience face myriad systemic inequities in their education. In this resource, learn about the Community of Practice (CoP) for American Indian Education Directors, assembled to address these inequities and improve Indigenous students’ education.
The CoP facilitates professional learning, sharing of evidence-based practices, and coherence among state educational agency staff in . The CoP process involves monthly virtual meetings where participants discuss various topics such as budgeting, leadership, biliteracy seals, and chronic absenteeism.
One significant outcome of the CoP is the establishment of meaningful relationships among AIE Directors from different states, providing a space for sharing problems and combating isolation. Additionally, the CoP has supported resource development through partnerships with other organizations to advance equitable outcomes for Native students.
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Copyright: 2024Format: PDF
Pages: 3
Publisher: WestEd
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