Supporting English Learners During School Closures: Considerations for Designing Distance Learning Experiences
While a fair amount is known about effective instructional practices for students who are English learners, less is known about how these practices might look different in a distance learning context compared to the classroom.
This brief, produced by WestEd as part of a collection of Crisis Response Resources, is designed to help educators make this critical shift from in-person learning to distance learning. It does so by identifying and explaining the value of four key practices that are known to be effective in meeting the instructional needs of English learner students.
After describing each practice and providing illustrative examples of what the practice can look like in a standard classroom, the brief offers some suggestions for how the practice might be applied in different types of distance learning contexts.
For more information and guidance, visit our COVID-19 Resources page.
Resource Details
Product Information
Copyright: 2020Format: PDF
Pages: 11
Publisher: WestEd
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