WestEd will be present at the 2018 California Educational Research Association (CERA) 97th Annual Conference, held on November 12 through November 14, 2018, at the Disneyland Hotel in Anaheim, California.
The 2018 conference theme is “Readiness at All Ages.” CERA will be highlighting best practices and tools that help individualize educational experiences for all children from birth through adulthood.

This year, Deb Sigman, Interim Program Director for the Comprehensive School Assistance Program (CSAP) at WestEd, will receive the CERA Lifetime Achievement Award for her many years of leadership and service to California’s K–12 students.
Sigman is a state and national education leader and works to connect assessment with enhanced student learning. She serves as CSAP’s Director of State Strategic Support and as Director of the California Comprehensive Center (CA CC), 1 of 15 Regional Comprehensive Centers funded by the U.S. Department of Education. The CA CC provides technical assistance to extend the capacity of the California Department of Education and other state-level stakeholders. Sigman also is the Senior Advisor to the Center on Standards and Assessment Implementation (CSAI), 1 of 7 National Content Centers. CSAI supports states’ implementation of their standards and assessment systems.
Add WestEd’s sessions to your calendar and visit our display table at the conference to learn more about WestEd’s resources, research, and services.
Tuesday, November 13, 2018
Presentation: Improving the LCAP with User-Centered Design: The LCFF Test Kitchen
Time & Location: 10–10:45am / Mark Twain
Presenters & Authors: Joel Knudson, Judith Ennis, and Alex Berg-Jacobson
Presentation: Strengthening LCAPs through a Virtual COE Network
Time & Location: 11–11:45am / Castle C
Presenters & Authors: Eric Crane, Reino Makkonen, Mariana Preciado, Francesca Delgado, Tracy Wilson, and Lucy Edwards
Presentation: Personalized Learning in the Galt Joint Union School District: Implementation and Impact
Time & Location: 11–11:45am / Monorail C
Presenters & Authors: Betsy McCarthy and Karen Schauer
Wednesday, November 14, 2018
Presentation: From Policy to Practice – Using State Assessments to Inform Teaching and Learning
Time & Location: 10–10:45am / Adventure
Presenters & Authors: Deb Sigman, Jessica Arnold, Cinda Parton, Erika Gasper, Jessica Conkle, and Deborah Atwell
Presentation: Ready to Learn: Interactive Development of Educational Media for K–2nd Graders
Time & Location: 10–10:45am / Monorail C
Presenters & Authors: Sara Atienza, Linlin Li, and Eunice Chow
Presentation: Coaching for the Expository Reading and Writing Course: Inquiry Informing Discovery on Multiple Levels
Time & Location: 11–11:45am / Mississippi
Presenters & Authors: Lisa Benham, Nancy Brynelson, Anne Keicher, and Norm Unrau
CDE Session – Early Education and Support Division: Defining School Readiness and Documenting Progress in Reaching California’s Early Learning Goals
Time & Location: 1:45–2:45pm / Monorail C
Presenters & Authors: Kerry Kriener-Althen and Cecelia Fisher-Dahms