We support our clients in building aligned educational systems that advance opportunities for all students to succeed. We focus on building impactful local and state systems that improve outcomes for students with disabilities.

What We Do
WestEd provides a deep and broad range of professional development, leadership, and research offerings for the field with a focus on achieving success for all learners.
Deepening State Educational Agency (SEA) Capacity
WestEd hosts two federally funded technical assistance centers designed to deepen SEA capacity to implement the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA) effectively—the National Center for Systemic Improvement (NCSI) and the Center for IDEA Fiscal Reporting (CIFR). States also contract directly with WestEd for assistance with policy and procedure development, evaluation, and related improvement activities.
We also partner with the IDEA Data Center (IDC), National Center on Educational Outcomes (NCEO), and Center for the Integration of IDEA Data (CIID). As part of our overall assistance to states, we help accountability and support systems improve the implementation of IDEA.
Creating a Rigorous and Accessible Learning Environment
We equip schools and districts with the tools to develop an aligned educational framework that ensures full participation in effective learning environments. We offer professional learning to facilitate collaboration through peer planning and observation, and feedback to help teachers learn and improve their practice.
Improving Outcomes Through Research, Evaluation, and Innovation
We apply innovative, rigorous research methods to solve pressing challenges in learner variability and special education.
Our Approach
WestEd helps schools and districts to develop aligned educational frameworks to create effective learning environments. We offer technical assistance to states, professional learning to elevate instructional practice, and research and evaluation to solve pressing challenges in special education policy and practice.
Our professional learning experiences build upon the belief that all students are considered general education students first and that professional learning teams are representative of all internal and external partners.
Our research and evaluation team uses design thinking, systems frameworks, implementation science, and meaningful participation to identify and develop evidence-based solutions across a deep and broad range of content domains.
Our partnership with WestEd set the tone for the systemic enhancements our district needed to make to reach our mission. WestEd provided student-centered, engaging, thought-provoking professional development that led us to dig deep into our data and decision-making discussions.
— Dr. Kathy Ruggeberg, Assistant Superintendent for Teaching & Learning Rock Island–Milan School District #41