Product Information
Copyright: 2014
Format: PDF
Pages: 14
Publisher: Council of Chief State School Officers
English learner students must receive specialized instructional services and assessments to ensure they develop academic uses of English that enable them to succeed in school, work, and life. In order for schools to provide effective services and assessments, states must come to an agreement on the definition of English learner.
The first in a series highlighting the four key stages of reaching an agreed upon definition, this paper focuses on the first stage in which states must identify the group of students that is potentially English learner from the overall K-12 student population. Confirming (or disconfirming) English learner status happens at the next stage.
This paper summarizes a national working session that focused on this first stage. Participants worked on building understanding and consensus among assessment consortia, participating states, and other stakeholders on key issues; and strengthening related policies, practices, and tools.