Product Information
Copyright: 2020
Format: PDF
Pages: 23
Publisher: WestEd
When approached with intentionality and thoughtfulness, a focus on SEL can help achieve equitable outcomes for all students and begin to dismantle biased and racist systems. Authored by Transforming Education‘s Angela M. Ward, Chief Program Officer, and Katie Buckley, Managing Director of Research & Learning, this compendium provides resources for district leaders to consider as they seek to implement evidence-based supports to ensure social and emotional learning (SEL) is fully integrated into the educational experience of their students, families, staff, and community. While targeted to the district level, many of these resources may be useful to school leaders as well.
UPDATE: This compendium was updated with additional resources in September 2022.
A note from co-author Angela M. Ward, PhD:
TransformEd would like to provide context to this latest revision of the Integrating Social and Emotional Learning throughout the School System: A Compendium of Resources for District Leaders. In our final year of review, we offer gratitude to CISELSS for the partnership that led to the creation of this work. We approached this revision from our unique perspectives and lived experiences in a spirit of equity. It is important to note the tendency in education and society in general, to lift the work of Black, Indigenous, and People of Color (BIPoC) and erase the contributions and the lived experiences drawn from to produce work to share in the field. As we reviewed each resource, we asked the question, “How does this resource support equity-centered SEL?” and used the National School Reform Faculty’s 4As Text Protocol. We also included a fifth “A” for Accessibility (ex. language, vision, global representation). As you engage with the Compendium, we desire that you reflect on your lived experiences and how you navigate the world daily. We invite you to consider your biases, values, beliefs and, ultimately, how they factor into the decisions you make each day for the children, families, and staff in your care.