Addressing Critical Challenges in the Teacher Workforce: A Collaborative Approach in California
Focused on the ongoing challenges of teacher shortages, this brief outlines the California State Educator Workforce Collaborative’s efforts to address these challenges. Facilitated by the Region 15 Comprehensive Center with philanthropic support, the Collaborative unites key organizations and state agencies to improve the educator workforce. The Collaborative intends to enhance the implementation of investments aimed at strengthening the teaching profession by establishing sustainable cross-agency collaboration.
In its initial phase, the Collaborative focused on consolidating information about high-quality teacher preparation pathways and financial resources, addressing affordability and access issues that contribute to teacher shortages. The brief lists and links to tools for both teacher candidates and preparation programs, including a roadmap to teaching, pathway comparisons, and funding resources. These include tools to help candidates navigate their options and understand available financial support while also assisting preparation program leaders in making their offerings more attractive.
Looking ahead, the Collaborative plans to create a sustainable infrastructure for statewide educator workforce planning, ensuring that efforts are data driven and aligned with shared goals to ensure ongoing improvements in the teaching profession.
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Product Information
Copyright: 2024Format: PDF
Pages: 4
Publisher: WestEd
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