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“You Are Invited,” Says Growing Network of English Learner Researchers and Educators
Learn three key takeaways from the Reconceptualizing the Development of Educator Expertise for a Multilingual, Intercultural Future conference.

A Coherent Vision in California, Rhode Island, Connecticut: State-Level Multilingual Learner Frameworks
State educational agencies are aligning systems to improve educational opportunities and address the needs of multilingual learners.

A Logic Model for Systemic English Learner Reform: Insights From Molly Faulkner-Bond
Expert Molly Faulkner-Bond describes why states must shift from a monolingual to a multilingual education framework.

Building State-Level Data Capacity in Arizona to Improve Instructional Services for English Learners
With REL West coaching and support, the Arizona Department of Education is learning to implement new data collection methods and to use reliable data to inform policy and practice.

California State Board of Education Approves Tool Related to English Learner Reclassification
The Observation Protocol for Teachers of English Learners (OPTEL) tool is helping ensure a more equitable, standardized process for reclassifying English Learners as English proficient, affecting the academic supports they receive. Learn more about the tool and how it can help instructors and communities beyond the reclassification process.

Creating Equity, Excellence, and Well-Being in Education
Throughout this and every school year, schools and districts should address the well-being and connection needs of both students and staff as a first priority before academic teaching and learning.

Creating New Futures for Newcomers: Q&A with BethAnn Berliner
BethAnn Berliner discusses schools that are using effective strategies to support students who are immigrants, refugees, and asylees, also known as newcomer students.

Culturally and Linguistically Responsive Assessment: Myths and Opportunities
Molly Faulkner-Bond explores how the education community can help make assessment more inclusive, diverse, and responsive to students’ lived experiences.

Designing Productive Mathematical Talk: Supporting English Learner Students
Experts from WestEd’s Quality Teaching for English Learners initiative describe why incorporating opportunities for effective dialogue with peers is essential for effective math teaching and learning.

Engaging Students and Families From Diverse Populations During the COVID-19 Pandemic
Districts and schools are communicating caring and concern, validating the unique and difficult circumstances families currently face, and forging connections between home and school.