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ResourceWestEd Webinars

(Past Event) Integrating ELD into Secondary ELA and Social Studies

This archived webinar demonstrates how to structure opportunities for students in rigorous back-and-forth discussions in virtual learning environments.

ResourceReportResearch Method - Assessment Methods

A First Look at Early Literacy Performance in Massachusetts: Results of Initial Analysis Based on State Grantee Literacy Screening Assessments

This report provides the first-ever large-scale information about early literacy performance and progress of students in grades K–3 in Massachusetts.

ResourceWestEd Webinars

A Meaning-Oriented Model of Language for the Classroom

This recorded session features Aída Walqui, Senior Research Scientist at WestEd, in conversation with Beverly Derewianka, Emeritus Professor at the University of Wollongong, Australia.


Accelerate English Learner Success: Students Participate in Collaborative Discussions 

This brief underscores the importance of structured collaborative discussions in supporting English Learners to build content knowledge, develop language skills, and engage in analytic practices.

Accelerate Success Part 5 featured image

Accelerate English Learner Success: Students Take Ownership Over Their Learning With Formative Assessment 

This brief examines how quality instruction empowers English Learners to develop agency, confidence, and self-regulation while advancing their language skills.

Accelerate Success Part 4 featured image

Accelerate Success for English Learners With Formative Assessment: Introduction 

This brief explores how formative assessment can support teachers to design and facilitate instruction positioned to help Multilingual Learners succeed.

Accelerate Success Introduction featured image

Accelerate Success for English Learners: Formative Assessment Support for Integrated and Meaningful Language Learning

This brief highlights how quality instruction for English Learners integrates language development with academic content and analytic practices.

Accelerate Success Part 2 featured image

Accelerate Success for English Learners: Students Work Beyond the Edge of Their Current Abilities With Formative Assessment

This brief emphasizes how quality instruction for English Learners helps them work just beyond the edge of their current knowledge and abilities.

Accelerate Success Part 3 featured image
ResourceReportResearch Method - Assessment MethodsResearch Method - Impact StudyResearch and Evaluation

Accommodations for English Language Learner Students: The Effect of Linguistic Modification of Math Test Item Sets

This study found that simplifying the language—or linguistic modification—on standardized math test items made it easier for English language learners to focus on and grasp math concepts, and thus was a more accurate assessment of their math skills.


Alignment to Assure Learning for ELL Students

Many students who are English language learners are not being taught the academic language skills they need to fully understand and respond to the questions asked on standardized tests. 

That is one of the key findings emerging from a collaborative study aimed at improving the achievement of English language learner students through better alignment between classroom instruction and state achievement standards and assessments.