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Beginning Together: Caring for Young Children in Inclusive Settings
Beginning Together promotes appropriate inclusive practices in a variety of early care and education settings through training, technical assistance, leadership development, and information dissemination.
California Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation Network
IECMHC delivers mental health consultation services, supports, and resources to home- and center-based child care and early education providers serving children birth to 5 and their families.
California Teaching Pyramid for Achieving Fidelity and Sustainability
The CA Teaching Pyramid, a tiered framework developed by the National Center for Pyramid Model Innovations, has adapted this framework and offers professional learning services…
Comprehensive Early Intervention Technical Assistance Network (CEITAN)
CEITAN assists lead agencies in enhancing the systems that provide early intervention, education, and developmental services to young children with disabilities and their families.
Developmentally Informed Trauma Practices in Early Childhood
DITP helps infant–family and early childhood workforces develop an increased understanding of the risks and impact of trauma on infants, toddlers, young children, and their families.
Early Childhood Assessment Services
Our assessment services explore valid, reliable, and appropriate ways to gather information about children’s progress from birth through age 8.
Pre–K Mathematics Workshops
Our Pre–K Mathematics Workshops help close opportunity gaps through engaging instructional support for teachers and through coaching designed to help parents facilitate mathematics learning at home.
Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC)
PITC provides professional development and resources for infant/toddler providers and the communities they serve.