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Discussion Builders Workshop
WestEd’s Discussion Builders Workshop will prepare you to facilitate evidence-based instructional practices that foster academic conversations and build communication and reasoning skills in mathematics classrooms….
Family Engagement Services
We provide professional learning experiences for schools and districts to design and implement family engagement practices and strategies.
High-Quality Inclusive Instructional Practices
WestEd works closely with districts to strengthen their capacity in creating schools that are inclusive and sustainable for students with disabilities.
Learning Acceleration
Reimagining Success for All Learners
In many ways, the COVID-19 pandemic confirmed what many educators …
Migrant Student Information Network (MSIN)
MSIN serves as a central student information system for California’s migratory student population.
Multi-Tiered System of Supports
We provide professional learning experiences for districts to develop a Multi-Tiered System of Supports (MTSS) framework that leadership teams use to make data-informed decisions about students’ academic and behavioral needs.
National Research and Development Center to Improve Education for Secondary English Learners
The Center conducts studies aimed at bridging English Learner research and practice bidirectionally and provides compelling and actionable information to improve opportunities.
Quality Teaching for English Learners Professional Development
QTEL offers research-informed approaches for teaching the conceptual understanding, academic practices, and language that are critical to ensuring success for English Learners.
Safe and Supportive Learning Environments
We help you implement, scale, and improve initiatives related to safe and supportive learning environments (SSLE).