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Adult Numeracy in the Digital Era (ANDE)
WestEd and its partners are developing and evaluating Adult Numeracy in the Digital Era (ANDE), a 10-week technology-based numeracy course for adult learners.
An AI-Powered Assessment System to Drive Learning in Science Classrooms
Equipping middle school science teachers to use technology-enhanced assessment to improve instruction and advance students’ three-dimensional science learning.
An Efficacy Study of My Math Academy: Improving Children’s Math Skills Through a Personalized, Early Learning Technology Solution
Evaluating the efficacy of the My Math Academy program in improving kindergarten and 1st grade students’ math achievement.
An Efficacy Study of the MathSpring Personalized Learning System
WestEd is examining the impact of MathSpring, a game-like intelligent tutor that provides personalized math problems for middle school students to solve.
Data Integration Support Center (DISC)
DISC supports efforts to integrate data across key sectors while protecting privacy and ensuring the usefulness, fidelity, and transparency of the data systems.
Digital Fluency at WestEd
We design impactful professional development and collaboration opportunities (e.g., meetings, task forces, conferences) that are grounded in the research in how adults learn.
Efficacy of ASSISTments Online Homework Support for Middle School Mathematics Learning: A Replication Study and Analysis of Long-Term Effects
WestEd researchers and its partners have conducted a replication study and long-term follow-up analysis of the ASSISTments platform in a nationally representative sample of 63 North Carolina schools.
K–12 Alliance for Transformative Science Teaching and Learning
The K–12 Alliance works to customize transformative professional learning experiences in science and mathematics to help educators expand their understanding of NGSS so each student can reach their highest potential.
Making Sense of SCIENCE
MSS offers professional learning and technical assistance that is proven to positively impact teaching and learning in science classrooms across districts and states.
Navigating the Promise and Reality of Artificial Intelligence
WestEd aims to support practitioners, policymakers, and other educational professionals with practical solutions, critical resources, and pioneering research as they make innovative, efficient, inclusive, and safe use of AI.