
An Efficacy Study of My Math Academy: Improving Children’s Math Skills Through a Personalized, Early Learning Technology Solution

Evaluating the efficacy of the My Math Academy program in improving kindergarten and 1st grade students’ math achievement.

Only 36 percent of 4th graders are proficient in math; the situation is worse for children from economically disadvantaged backgrounds. Teachers are challenged to address individual student learning needs in the classroom. Technology-based programs can enhance personalized learning but it is essential to conduct studies of these technologies.  


WestEd is conducting an efficacy study of My Math Academy, a widely used math technology program developed by Age of Learning, Inc. My Math Academy uses games to engage students while providing opportunities to personalize content, support learning in context, and measure learning. The study aims to understand whether students who use the program in kindergarten score higher on math achievement tests at the end of the year than students who continue with typical math instruction, and whether the effects persist to the end of 1st grade. 

Audiences Served

My Math Academy has the potential to improve kindergarten and 1st grade students’ math achievement. The findings from this study can help schools and districts make informed decisions about the tools and approaches that enhance personalized learning and help practitioners and policymakers select learning tools. 

Project Activities

The study uses a clustered randomized experimental design to measure the impacts of My Math Academy on students’ math achievement. Schools will be randomly assigned to the treatment or control condition, which will be maintained while students are in kindergarten and 1st grade. Students in the treatment condition will use My Math Academy for 15 minutes per day, three days per week. Students in the control condition will use their school’s regular supplemental math program.

Project Director

Linlin Li

Linlin Li

Linlin Li is a Research Director on the Learning and Technology team. Li develops and directs research and evaluations with local, statewide, and national agencies.


This project is funded by the Institute of Education Sciences (IES) at the U.S. Department of Education through award Number R305A220159.

Project Duration

4 years (9/1/2022–8/31/2026) 

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