This archived webinar highlights how state-level leadership and support helped to transform instruction in Maryland schools using WestEd’s Reading Apprenticeship, an evidence-based program for building middle and high school students’ academic engagement and achievement.

Presenters included Maryland State Department of Education leaders, whom through the use of the Four Domains for Rapid School Improvement, are supporting all schools with their School Improvement priorities and Professional Learning, a school principal of a Title I school, and Ruth Schoenbach of the Strategic Literacy Initiative at WestEd.


  • Ruth Schoenbach, Director, Strategic Literacy Initiative at WestEd
  • Tiara Booker-Dwyer, Executive Director, Office of Leadership Development and School Improvement, Maryland State Department of Education
  • Cecilia J. Roe, Director of Instructional Assessment and Professional Learning, Maryland State Department of Education
  • Jaime Brooks, Principal, Community House Middle School, Charlotte-Mecklenberg Schools

Presented by Ruth SchoenbachTiara Booker-DwyerCecilia J. RoeJaime Brooks