We believe every child, youth, and adult should have opportunities for success in school and the workplace. With a focus on access, outcomes, and excellence, we work to transform mathematics education from a barrier into a building block toward student success at every level of education.

What We Do
We work in partnership with educators, district and state leaders, private foundations, and other funding agencies to help educators expand access to quality mathematics pathways that boost achievement and prepare all students to succeed.
Supporting Ambitious Mathematics Teaching and Learning in the Early Years
We support mathematics learning at home and in preschool learning environments with a focus on serving students from historically marginalized and underserved populations.
Improving Math Teaching and Learning for Students and Teachers
We work to ensure that all students are college-ready and on a path to success before entering college by designing high-quality solutions that meet the unique needs of the students, teachers, and schools.
Supporting College and Adult Learner Success in Mathematics
We work with faculty, administrators, and postsecondary education systems to provide high-quality course solutions, professional support, and technical assistance to help colleges and adult learning programs implement evidence-based mathematics practices that improve student learning and outcomes.
Our Approach
Our team of experts brings a multifaceted approach to improving mathematics teaching and learning. We ground our professional development, research, and evaluation in principles of fairness, excellence, and access. We are committed to reducing the opportunity gaps in mathematics that often begin in the early years.
We bring specialized expertise in technology and research and development to advance innovations in mathematics teaching and learning across many domains—from learning acceleration to pathways in mathematics to AI applications.
Building on and drawing from the research foundations in teaching and learning, we continually update our professional learning offerings to apply new insights that aim to improve outcomes for all students.
While principles of high-quality math instruction and impactful professional learning are constants, we tailor the specifics of each and every professional learning experience to the variable needs of each and every school and district.
— Kirk Walters, Vice President of Mathematics Education & Improvement Science, WestEd