For more than 25 years, Nanette Seago has designed, developed, and researched secondary mathematics professional development materials.
Seago currently serves as Senior Program Associate for the Mathematics team at WestEd. She is the principal investigator (PI) for Video in the Middle: Flexible Digital Experiences for Mathematics Teacher Education, funded by the National Science Foundation (NSF) and co-PI for NSF-funded investigations of the impact of professional development on teaching practices four-five years post PD. She was the PI for Learning and Teaching Geometry: Videocases for Mathematics Professional Development and co-PI for an efficacy study focused on learning and teaching linear functions. Additionally, she served as Co-PI for an IES project: Linear Functions for Teaching: An Efficacy Study of Learning and Teaching Linear Functions. From 2003-2009 she served as Co-PI for two other NSF projects, a ROLE project: Turning to the Evidence: What Teachers Learn by Using Classroom Records and Artifacts in Mathematics Instruction and a teacher enhancement project: Developing Facilitators of Practice-Based Professional Development. From 1998- 2004, Nanette Seago served as the Co-PI for the NSF Video Cases for Mathematics Professional Development Project.
Seago has over 45 publications, which include video-based professional development materials, a book and numerous book chapters and peer-reviewed articles. She has presented her work and research at national and international conferences. She is primary author of two video-based professional learning materials: Learning and Teaching Linear Functions and Learning and Teaching Geometry that are designed to better equip teachers to prepare and implement lessons that will help students develop conceptual understanding of linear functions and transformations-based geometry.
Seago collaborated with LessonLab in the development of the TIMSS-R public release videos and the design of an online course, the design of an online course sponsored by Intel Corporation entitled: TIMSS Video Studies: Explorations of Algebra Teaching.
She co-wrote Examining Mathematics Practice through Classroom Artifacts and co-wrote a chapter for Mathematics Teacher Noticing: Seeing Through Teachers Eyes.
Seago received a bachelor’s degree from the University of California, Los Angeles; a teaching credential from California State University, San Bernardino; and a mathematics supplemental authorization from the University of California, Riverside.