Kindergarten Entry Assessments: An Examination of Best Practices, National Trends, and Recommendations
This brief provides policymakers and practitioners with a comprehensive overview of the purpose, characteristics, uses, and types of Kindergarten Entry Assessments (KEAs). It emphasizes the importance of high-quality KEAs in guiding instructional practices and assessing developmental progress in young learners. It highlights that high-quality KEAs should encompass five developmental domains: physical well-being, social–emotional skills, learning approaches, language and literacy, and cognitive development. The brief also discusses the appropriate uses of KEAs, such as tailoring instruction, identifying individual strengths and needs, fostering teacher–parent partnerships, and monitoring student progress.
The two main types of KEAs mentioned are state assessments designed for specific states or districts and national standardized assessments with broader applicability. This document further explores national trends in KEA adoption across states and concludes with recommendations for policymakers to consider when selecting and implementing a high-quality KEA system.
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Product Information
Copyright: 2024Format: PDF
Pages: 19
Publisher: Region 15 Comprehensive Center at WestEd
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