Re-examining Reclassification: Guidance from a National Working Session on Policies and Practices for Exiting Students from English Learner Status
Exiting a student from English learner status is a high-stakes decision. A premature exit may place a student who still requires specialized support related to her linguistic needs at risk of academic failure. And unnecessary prolonging of English learner status can limit educational opportunities, lead to stigmatization, lower teacher expectations, and demoralize students.
This paper examines the issues and options associated with reclassifying English learners to fluent English proficient status. Specifically, the paper provides:
- A recap of the significant issues and tensions surrounding current English learner reclassification policies and practices within and across states
- Guidance to districts, states, and multi-state consortia, addressing key challenges and concerns for moving toward more common English learner reclassification criteria and methods
- Identification of reclassification criteria and processes that can be feasibly implemented in state and local contexts
- Suggestions for approaches and strategies moving forward
Additional Papers in This Series
- Toward a “Common Definition of English Learner”: Guidance for States and State Assessment Consortia in Defining and Addressing Policy and Technical Issues and Options
- Reprising the Home Language Survey: Summary of a National Working Session on Policies, Practices, and Tools for Identifying Potential English Learners
- Strengthening Policies and Practices for the Initial Classification of English Learners: Insights From a National Working Session
Resource Details
Product Information
Copyright: 2015Format: PDF
Pages: 49
Publisher: Council of Chief State School Officers
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