Product Information
Copyright: 2017
Format: PDF
Publisher: WestEd
The book, English Language Learners and the New Standards, provides a clear, timely, and practical path for helping teachers engage English language learner (ELL) students in simultaneously learning subject-area content, analytical practices, and language.
This mathematics-focused facilitators’ guide is designed to help professional learning communities (PLCs) of teachers, administrators, and/or school district staff discuss the book and develop goals and steps toward improving mathematics learning for all students.
For each book chapter, the guide offers a set of engaging activities, conversations, and structured planning time for groups to get the most out of reading English Language Learners and the New Standards together.
Topics covered in both the book and facilitators’ guide include:
- Pedagogical shifts that support ambitious learning for ELLs
- Language acquisition in the mathematics classroom
- The role of formative assessment
- The role of summative assessment
- The role of policy
Originally developed for use in the Math in Common network of 10 California school districts, this guide is now available for free to any group interested in English learners and math performance.