Product Information
ISBN: 978-1-938287-67-1
Copyright: 2019
Format: PDF
Pages: 282
Publisher: WestEd
This complimentary beta version of Math Pathways & Pitfalls Algebra Readiness mathematics intervention is intended to help students tackle stubborn pitfalls head-on and transform those pitfalls into pathways for learning key standards. It offers an entire year’s worth of lessons that focus on the critical areas of algebra readiness, using the same research-backed principles that informed the original series.
Math Pathways & Pitfalls Algebra Readiness delivers powerful strategies, tools, and lessons to promote math practice skills and conceptual understanding. The approach is founded on five research-based principles for how students learn mathematics:
- Principle 1: Building Mathematical Discussions
- Principle 2: Making Sense
- Principle 3: Confronting Pitfalls
- Principle 4: Visualizing and Connecting
- Principle 5: Capturing Key Ideas
Math Pathways & Pitfalls Algebra Readiness lessons use a consistent, easy-to-follow format of two-day core lessons, with teaching guides that provide sample prompts and solution keys.
Each lesson consists of an Opener and a Discussion on Day 1, and a Review and Practice on Day 2. Together, the components provide multiple opportunities for students to develop, assess, and solidify their mathematical understandings.
This all-in-one volume contains everything a teacher needs to teach Math Pathways & Pitfalls Algebra Readiness lessons with ease and success, including:
- 10 complete lessons
- Teaching Guide
- Clipboard Prompts
- Math Pathways & Pitfalls Foundational Principles and Teaching Practices
- Quick Tips for Implementing Math Pathways & Pitfalls Lessons
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