Centering Students in Science Learning: A Professional Learning Success Story
New science standards outline an inspiring vision for rigorous science learning that builds on students’ natural curiosity and wonder. Realizing this vision will require that many educators receive sustained, practice-based professional learning (PL) that helps them shift their science instructional practice to place students at the center. But states and districts often cite lack of adequate time and resources to address this professional learning need.
An emerging approach, the Building Science Leaders model, developed by WestEd’s SCALE Science and K–12 Alliance teams, addressed these needs and constraints across New Mexico by creating a statewide community of practice made up of district teams, including school and district administrators, instructional coaches, and teacher leaders.
This infographic describes the Building Science Leaders model, shares key data points that underscore the model’s impact, and offers insights for education leaders seeking to advance science education in their schools and districts.
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Product Information
Copyright: 2024Format: PDF
Pages: 3
Publisher: WestEd
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