
Thriving Learners, Empowered Communities

Since 1966, WestEd has worked to bridge the gap between research and practice to find evidence-based solutions that improve education, help learners thrive, and empower communities. Every day, WestEd staff living and working across the United States show their deep commitment to realizing our vision of thriving learners and empowered communities by taking on the most demanding and enduring challenges in education and human development.

WestEd’s 2024 annual report tells the story of how we pursue our vision, highlighting some of the projects, programs, and services that exemplify our reach and the breadth and depth of our work to improve outcomes for the least well-served, improve the performance of our nation’s educational systems, and improve systems to support healthy human development. This report provides insights into our research and evaluation, technical assistance, and professional services, which support education and human development from birth through postsecondary education, and describes our innovative approaches, our impact, and our success over the last year.

2024 WestEd Annual Report