
Comprehensive Assessment Solutions

Supporting high-quality assessment efforts by providing research, design, content development, evaluation, professional learning, psychometrics, and technical support to meet your specific needs.

WestEd offers content and psychometric expertise in the assessment of student learning, grounded in rigorous research and innovative practices, to foster educational opportunities and outcomes.

What We Do

High-quality assessments can be instrumental in advancing teaching and learning. Our team specializes in creative and innovative solutions designed to improve and modernize assessment. We have proven experience with innovative item and task design, advanced psychometric solutions, and cutting-edge score reporting research.

We partner with teachers, schools, districts, states, educational organizations, and curriculum providers to develop innovative, research-informed assessments that ground educational decision-making in evidence of student learning.

Our solutions align with your instructional vision, standards, curricula, and state and federal requirements to improve outcomes for all learners from early childhood through postsecondary. Our team ensures your assessment solutions are high-quality, reliable, and valid.

Our Approach

We are firmly committed to accessibility and outcomes in all we do.

Our standards-based and student-centered work is driven by a commitment to supporting teaching, learning, and accessibility through rigorous assessment research, advanced skills in development and psychometrics, and practical assistance. We also offer professional learning to build educators’ capacity to collect and interpret meaningful evidence of student learning.

Our team has extensive expertise across the spectrum of assessment including early childhood, formative, interim, summative, and post-secondary. In addition to mathematics and ELA, we have expertise in multidimensional science and social studies assessment, alternate assessment, assessment of multilingual learners, and through-year assessments. With our wide range of expertise, our team can advance fair practices and accessibility across levels, domains, and disciplines.

The team at WestEd has been an amazing partner to our organization. The team is experienced, knowledgeable, and clear about best practices in assessing and validating assessment tools. WestEd always meets deadlines and has been a real thought partner as we implement this project.

— Danielle Damico, Amplify

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