Product Information
Copyright: 2022
Format: PDF
Pages: 25
Publisher: Manhattan Strategy Group.
Charter School Programs (CSP) State Entity (SE) grantees are required to use at least 7% of their CSP funding to provide technical assistance (TA) to subgrant applicants and charter school authorizers. These funds can also be used for other activities that improve authorizer quality, including developing capacity for, and conducting, fiscal oversight and auditing of charter schools. SE grantees can determine how to allocate theses “TA set-aside” funds between support for quality authorizing and TA to applicants.
This report produced by the Manhattan Strategy Group explains how SE grantees are using or proposed to use the TA set-aside portion of their CSP funds for these activities. This report also describes SE activities to ensure that subgrantees are equipped to meet the needs of all students, and specifically students with disabilities and English learners (ELs).
Researchers gathered data for this report from all SEs that received grants between 2017 and 2019 by reviewing their approved applications, surveying SE grantees in spring 2020, and conducting a follow-up survey completed in January 2021.