Product Information
Copyright: 2014
Format: PDF
Pages: 53
Publisher: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
How do states define and apply student learning objectives (SLOs) in teacher evaluation systems? This report presents information on the use of SLOs in teacher evaluation systems in 30 states, and aims to inform state and local policymakers engaged in creating or supporting the development of teacher evaluation systems that include SLOs.
At the beginning of each school year or course, K-12 teachers set student learning objectives—specific, measurable goals for academic achievement—for their students or a particular group of students. These objectives will ultimately show a teacher’s influence on student learning.
WestEd researchers systematically scanned state policies to identify tools, guidance, policies, regulations, and other documents related to the use of student learning objectives in teacher evaluation systems.
The researchers reviewed each relevant document to code the requirements, components, and uses of student learning objectives, which are summarized in this report. The appendix contains a series of searchable tables organized by state.
The report and tables were produced in response to research questions posed by the Northeast Educator Effectiveness Research Alliance, one of eight research alliances working with the Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast & Islands, a project of WestEd.