Recorded on November 03, 2020
This archived webinar was sponsored by the Region 13 Comprehensive Center at WestEd, in collaboration with the New Mexico Public Education Department.
Designated English Language Development (ELD) is critical to support English learners to build oral language skills, develop confidence using English, and be prepared to engage with core content. In this archived webinar, learn effective instructional practices for students with WIDA ACCESS scores of 3.0-4.9 in secondary designated ELD distance learning.
The following topics are addressed in this webinar:
- Designated ELD and its importance for English learners
- Strategically engaging in oral language development that allows secondary students to better access core subject-area content
- Increasing opportunities for designated ELD in distance learning environments
This is the eight of a 14-part webinar series designed to support multilingual and English learner students in distance learning settings.