Deborah Greenwald has over three decades of experience in the infant/family field. She joined WestEd in 2002 as a Senior Program Associate with the Center for Child and Family Studies. Greenwald’s primary strengths and areas of expertise are in infant and toddler development and care, educating adults about these topics, and developing andragogical resources (print, video, and digital) to strengthen the infant/family field.
Currently Greenwald leads a WestEd team that is developing interactive learning modules for an online professional development institute. She previously led the WestEd team in the State Capacity Building Center’s Infant/Toddler Specialist Network, and was that group’s project lead for developing an Infant/Toddler Resource Guide website.
She directed the redesign of the Program for Infant/Toddler Care (PITC) Trainer Certification Institute and has been on the PITC faculty since 2001. Greenwald was a key content developer on the online Infant/Toddler Degree for the Office of Head Start. She directed the Infant/Toddler Guidelines Project for the California Department of Education and has contributed to the design, development, production, and revision of multiple resources, books, and digital learning content.
Prior to working at WestEd, Greenwald spent 15 years working in infant/toddler group care. She also taught parent/infant guidance classes and was an infant/toddler specialist in a resource and referral agency.