Executive Leadership Team

Catherine Goins
Senior Vice President, Early Learning, Health, and Human Development

Jannelle Kubinec
WestEd Chief Executive Officer

Susan Mundry
Senior Vice President, Research, Development, and Innovation

Mike Neuenfeldt
Chief Financial Officer

Stefanie Phillips
Chief Talent Officer

Catherine Walcott
Chief Growth and Strategy Officer, Executive Vice President

Ursula L. Wright
Senior Vice President, K–12 Systems
Division Leaders

Jodi Davenport
Vice President, Learning, Technology, and Innovation
Deputy Director, Regional Educational Laboratory, Northwest

Neal Finkelstein
Vice President, Applied Research and Postsecondary Systems

Rorie Fitzpatrick
Vice President, K-12 Systems

Catherine Goins
Senior Vice President, Early Learning, Health, and Human Development

Leslie Hamburger
Vice President, K–12 Systems

Thomas Hanson
Vice President, Health, Justice, and Prevention

Rochelle Herring
Vice President, K–12 Systems

Paul Koehler
Senior Director, Leadership Development and Outreach

Andrew Latham
Vice President, Science and Assessment

Elizabeth Magruder
Vice President, Early Learning

Peter Mangione
Senior Director, Early Childhood Strategic Initiatives

Susan Mundry
Senior Vice President, Research, Development, and Innovation

Steve Schneider
Senior Director, STEM Research and Entrepreneurship

Natalie Walrond
Vice President, Whole Person, Family, and Community Systems

Kirk Walters
Vice President, Mathematics Education and Improvement Science

Ursula L. Wright
Senior Vice President, K–12 Systems
Content Area Leaders

Aylin Bell
Director, Charters and School Choice

Rebeca Cerna
Director, Resilient and Healthy Schools and Communities

Kirsten Daehler
Director, Science and Engineering

Ayele Dodoo
Director, Educational Leadership and System Design

Jonathan Dolle
Director, Improvement Science

Ann R. Edwards
Senior Director, Mathematics Education

Leslie Fox
Director, Early Childhood Intervention, Mental Health and Inclusion

Linda Friedrich
Director, Literacy

Trevor Fronius
Director, Justice and Prevention

Dana Grayson
Director, Teacher Workforce

Annette Gregg
Director, English Learners and Migrant Education

Bryan Hemberg
Director, Assessment for Learning

Joanne Jensen
Director, Assessment Design and Development

Yvonne Kao
Director, Learning and Technology

Kelsey Krausen
Director, Strategic Resource Allocation and Systems Planning

Natalie Lacireno-Paquet
Senior Director, Research-Practice Partnerships

Krista Murphy
Director, Early Childhood Integrated Systems

Arlene Paxton
Director, Infant and Toddler Care

Kevin Perks
Senior Director, Quality Schools and Districts

Sarah Quesen
Director, Assessment Research and Innovation

Michele Rovins
Senior Director, Special Education Policy and Practice

Randal Tillery
Director of Economic Mobility, Postsecondary and Workforce Systems
Co-Director, Center for Economic Mobility

Saroja Warner
Senior Director, Culturally Responsive Systems

Osnat Zur
Senior Director, Early Childhood Learning and Development
Operations Leaders

Ann Marie Bordes
Vice President, Finance

Deborah A. Cooksey
Vice President, General Counsel

Tess Davis
Senior Director, Strategic Initiatives

Jennifer Folsom
Senior Director, Employee Experience

Christian Holden
Vice President, Communications

Alicia Kielmovitch
Director, Policy and Outreach

Dustin Milberg
Vice President, Information Technology

Jonathan Mills
Senior Director, Property and Facility Management

Angela Minnici
Vice President, Institutional Development

Steve Mitchell
Vice President, Human Resources

Rashmi Narsana
Vice President, Executive Operations

Baron Rodriguez
Vice President, Artificial Intelligence, Client-Facing Technology, & Compliance

Ronia Tan
Vice President, Controller, Accounting

Gretchen Weber
Vice President, Learning and Development

Lauren Wrotniak
Senior Director, Contracts & Grants