WestEd Copyrights
See a quick overview of permissions procedures for various products.
- Books, Videos, Audio
- Graphics, Charts, Photographs, Illustrations, Cartoons
- Workshop Materials
- R&D Alert, Knowledge Briefs, Policy Briefs
- Policy Perspectives
- Web Pages
Read about “Fair Use“
If your reproduction of copyrighted material qualifies as “fair use,” no permission from WestEd is required, but you must prominently cite WestEd as the copyright holder on all copies you make.
- Fair Use citation. If you are certain that your use qualifies as “fair use,” please use the following full citation, including WestEd contact information:
From [title of the original] by [author’s name]. Copyright [year indicated on the original] by WestEd. All rights reserved.
This one-time reproduction for educational purposes of this copyrighted material is covered by “fair use” guidelines. No rights to further reproduce this copyrighted material should be inferred. For more information, contact WestEd Publications at 562.799.5195 or email permissions@WestEd.org.
- Course packs. Print or electronic course packs are not covered by “fair use.” Please request permission to include WestEd copyrighted material in course packs and expect that a fee may be required.
Complete and submit the Reprint Permission Request Form online.
If your anticipated reproduction of copyrighted material does not qualify as “fair use,” request permission to reproduce it from WestEd by completing our Reprint Permission Request Form online.
- Allow two weeks. WestEd will respond promptly to your request. Some permissions will require a fee.
- Use the exact citation supplied by WestEd. Any permission granted will be accompanied by the exact citation that is to appear on all copies you make.