Serving Non–Systems-Involved Transition-Age Youths Impacted by Human Trafficking: Multidisciplinary Teams and Client Services
From January 2019 through May 2021, a federal grant funded pilot projects in two sites in California to improve outcomes for non–systems-involved transition-age youths impacted by human trafficking.
WestEd served as a cross-pilot evaluator of the two project sites, which were charged with addressing gaps in the identification, engagement, and provision of services to NSITA youths aged 14 to 24. In this role, WestEd hosted two virtual joint learning sessions attended by the project partners, San Diego Youth Services and WestCoast Children’s Clinic in Alameda County; and WCC’s subgrantee, Motivating, Inspiring, Supporting & Serving Sexually Exploited Youth, to provide opportunities for the sites to share the progress of their pilot programs serving NSITA youths
This brief provides a summary of the discussions the joint learning sessions, with the goal of sharing a blueprint and lessons learned with agencies, organizations, and partnerships that seek to serve youths who are victims of or at risk of human trafficking, especially the underserved NSITA youth population.
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Copyright: 2022Format: PDF
Pages: 15
Publisher: WestEd
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