The Characteristics and Experiences of Beginning Teachers in Seven Northeast and Islands Region States and Nationally
How do East Coast teachers differ from teachers nationwide? Based on results from a recent survey of teachers, this report looks at the characteristics of beginning teachers to find out what makes them different or similar.
The study’s researchers define beginning teachers as those with five or less years of teaching experience at the time of the staffing survey.
Here’s what you’ll find in this report:
- How beginning teachers are supported through professional development
- Teachers’ overall sense of preparedness for teaching
- Characteristics of teachers’ classrooms and schools
- Variables related to teachers’ preparation and workplace supports that are associated with their perceptions of preparedness, effectiveness, and retention
The Regional Educational Laboratory Northeast and Islands at WestEd prepared this report.
A summary of this report is also available.
Information about the REL system and other REL publications can be found at the National Regional Educational Laboratory Program website.
Resource Details
Product Information
Copyright: 2012Format: PDF
Pages: 40
Publisher: U.S. Department of Education, Institute of Education Sciences
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