Our team provides networked, high-quality professional development to education leaders and administrators in public systems to positively affect teaching and learning.
What We Do
We offer tailored services in a variety of formats for principals, assistant principals, and central office staff members to improve equity and excellence for schools, districts, and communities.
School Leadership Team Network
We provide the training, tools, and processes to support school- and systems-level leaders in advancing organizational effectiveness, academic achievement, and equity through systems change.
Supervisors of Principals Academy
Our team supports central office administrator coaching and principal evaluations in charter or public schools.
Leadership Playbook
This workshop series supports educational leaders—including those in school finance, nutrition, and other areas—with assessing and growing leadership practices.
Leading From the Middle
We provide opportunities for central office leaders to share solutions within and across systems to the pressing challenges facing district offices.
Leading Data Conversations
We support leaders across districts in leveraging the use of data to improve outcomes.
Our Approach
We believe professional learning is a key lever for leaders to foster high-quality teaching and learning while building safe and supportive school environments.
Our approach focuses on maximizing time, tools, processes, and facilitation skills to support leaders in implementing their school vision. Our partners value our tailored and job-embedded approach to professional development design, which ensures content relevancy and application throughout adult learning experiences.
In addition, we conduct studies for school districts, charter management organizations, and state departments of education to test and develop innovations in educational leadership.