Mark Jutabha partners with states, districts, and schools to coordinate and deliver research-based professional development and coaching services in mathematics and English language learning. He currently leads WestEd’s efforts with Teacher Practice Teams, a problem-solving process to sustain solutions for site-based math challenges.
Jutabha has created and supported the design of district-, school-, and classroom-level curricula and assessments aligned to the Common Core State Standards, English language development standards, Next Generation Science Standards, and Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium protocols. He has done so for over 100 public and charter schools and districts, including New York Public Schools, NY; Los Angeles Unified, CA; Clark County, NV; Buffalo Public Schools, NY; Lake County, CA; Racine Unified, WI; Lyon County, NV; and Red Clay Unified, DE.
Jutabha has conducted needs assessments to identify site-based assets and priority areas for turnaround efforts for state, district, and standalone schools in California, Nevada, Wisconsin, Delaware, and New York.
He holds an Ed.D. in Educational Leadership from the University of California, Los Angeles.