Susan Levenson is a School and District Improvement Facilitator with broad expertise in curriculum, instruction, and assessment. Levenson partners with states and districts to continuously develop, review, and evaluate curriculum and instructional materials and the assessment systems that measure their impacts. Her expertise includes supporting alignment to state frameworks, implementation of federal or state aid programs, implementation of high-yield instructional practices, and accountability for achievement gains.
Levenson has led work in several states supporting the implementation of WestEd’s Four Domains of Rapid School Improvement, specifically in the domains of Turnaround Leadership and Instructional Transformation. Through intensive coaching for both teachers and leaders, instructional support at the structural and classroom levels, facilitated data analysis, and strategic planning, Levenson and her team foster markedly improved outcomes for students.
Previously, as the state ELA Coordinator for Georgia’s Common Core Implementation, she developed the Common Core Professional Learning Master Plan for the state and built capacity for robust professional learning communities in hundreds of sites. She has worked with College Board both as a content developer and trainer, and with Pearson, Smarter Balanced Assessment Consortium (SBAC), and Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Careers (PARCC) in assessment item development and review.
She holds a National Board Certification, Master Teacher Designation, post-graduate certification as a K-12 Reading Specialist, and an Academic Coaching credential. She earned her BS in psychology from the University of Georgia and her master’s in education from Georgia State University.