What High Schools Can Do to Better Prepare Students for College
How can high schools help more of their students make it to college and be better prepared to do college-level work?
Helping Students Navigate the Path to College: What High Schools Can Do (PDF), a new practice guide from the U.S. Department of Education’s What Works Clearinghouse, offers five straightforward recommendations on how to prepare students for college:
- Offer a college preparatory curriculum and make sure that, by ninth grade, students understand academic requirements for college entry and success
- Use assessment throughout high school to help students understand their relative readiness for college, and help them address any identified deficiencies
- Surround students with people—adults and peers—who build and support their college-going aspirations
- Help students complete required steps for college entry
- Increase families’ financial awareness and help students apply for financial aid
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Product Information
Copyright: 2010Format: PDF
Pages: 3
Publisher: WestEd
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