Priority deadline by July 30, with rolling applications through the fall until the study is full.
Are you looking for tools to help your middle school students see the value of math in their everyday lives and boost achievement in mathematics? Join the Citizen Math Impact Study and gain free access and training to use an innovative, engaging, and tested set of math lessons for your students.
Citizen Math aims to help students develop the problem-solving skills they will need to analyze, discuss, and solve the important issues faced by society. Their lessons are designed to collaboratively engage students in exploring math through real-world context relevant to their lives and experiences, with the goal of building math skills, critical thinking, and civic-mindedness.
Study eligibility
WestEd is seeking 6th, 7th, and 8th grade math teachers teaching during the 2023-24 and 2024-25 school years at rural and urban middle schools serving 25% or more students who qualify for free lunch. Full department participation is required.
Benefits to you
Participation brings a number of benefits to you, including:
- Access to free lessons and professional support to implement them.
- Learning new ways to contextualize mathematics to help students develop their ability to use math to understand and articulate different perspectives.
- Learning from and with peers.
- Contributing learning to the field about enhancing civic and social-emotional learning in math classes.
Teachers will be compensated
Stipends will be provided to treatment and control groups for your participation in professional development and data collection.
Next steps
If you or your colleagues are interested in participating, please visit for more information.