The Region 13 Comprehensive Center (R13CC) led by WestEd is part of the national Comprehensive Center Network (CC Network) and provides capacity-building technical assistance, content expertise, and other services to effectively support state education agencies (SEAs) and their regional and local constituents in the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), New Mexico, and Oklahoma. Staff at R13CC provide individualized state support to design and implement priority goals informed by research and evidence-based practices and facilitate collaboration among state and local education agencies and with other federally funded technical assistance centers in the national network.
The R13CC, in partnership with SEAs, also offers professional learning opportunities for local education agencies (LEAs), tribal leaders, education agencies, and educators and supports the SEA in community engagement and consultation activities.
A key focus of R13CC work is strengthening SEA organizational capacity through system design, process improvement, and change management to increase and sustain organizational efficiency and effectiveness. Project work has centered on state priorities that address student-centered needs, particularly multilingual and English Learners and Native students; supporting educator growth and development and increasing the educator workforce; and strategic resource planning for the selection and use of evidence-based practices. Regional work in virtual settings and communities of practice has provided SEAs and LEAs with opportunities to communicate, collaborate, and learn from each other in addressing shared issues and challenges.
Building Capacity to Improve Education
The Region 13 Comprehensive Center, led by WestEd, supports state education agencies and their constituents in the Bureau of Indian Education (BIE), New Mexico, and Oklahoma through capacity-building technical assistance grounded in evidence.