Connect. Reflect. Grow
The California Infant and Early Childhood Mental Health Consultation (IECMHC) Network offers consultation services, professional development supports, and resources for child care and early education providers, including center-based program staff, family child care providers, and family, friend, and neighbor caregivers. Any child care and early education provider or program that cares for young children ages birth to five and their families are eligible to receive services through the IECMHC Network at no cost.
The IECMHC Network utilizes a tiered system of support framework to deliver an expanded suite of IECMHC services, supports, and resources. All services are available in Spanish.
- Universal services, including the IECMHC Network Helpline and virtual Open-Door sessions, are available to providers who are seeking immediate or direct support in their role as caregivers of young children.
- Targeted services, including virtual training and Communities of Support, are developed for groups of providers who may share similar goals and seek similar supports.
- Intensive services include on-site and virtual consultations with child care and early education programs and providers.
The Purpose of Consultation
IECMHC is an evidence-based practice that supports caregivers in understanding and addressing behaviors they find challenging, facilitating young children’s social and emotional development, and identifying strategies for effective classroom interventions and program practices that promote adult and child well-being. Core to the IECMHC Network consultation model are reflective practice and the Consultative Stance, both of which uphold the centrality of relationships and the parallel process.