Recorded on February 25, 2015
This webinar was sponsored by the Secondary Literacy Partnership.
Learn about the science practices outlined in the Next Generation Science Standards that offer opportunities for students to develop disciplinary literacy.
Presenters explore how reading, writing, listening, and speaking are used in the science discipline to develop knowledge of science.
This webinar is part of the series, “Implementing the Common Core State Standards: Classroom Connections.”
Other Webinars in the Series
- Special Needs Students and the Common Core State Standards [Archived]
- Beyond the Test: ELA Performance Tasks on Smarter Balanced Assessments and Implications for Classroom Instruction [Archived]
- A Close Encounter, Through the Writers’ Eyes, of the New ELA/ELD Framework [Archived]
- Voices from the Field: Teachers Share about the New ELA/ELD Framework [Archived]
- Content Literacy in History-Social Science [Archived]