Making Sense of SCIENCE: Genes & Traits for Teachers of Grades 5-12 (Facilitator Guide Bundle)
By Kirsten Daehler, Jennifer Folsom
With Jennifer Mendenhall
Proven through rigorous research to be effective with both teachers and students, Making Sense of SCIENCE’s professional learning course for 5-12 science teachers provides all the necessary ingredients for building scientific thinking in both teachers and students.
These comprehensive course materials guide staff developers and teacher educators in leading the Genes & Traits Teacher Course designed to deepen the science understanding of grades 5–12 teachers in the context of student learning.
Developed to complement any curriculum, these materials support the learning of key concepts related to genetics—from the origins of traits to the many factors that influence gene expression. The concepts are central to Next Generation Science Standards and aligned with Common Core State Standards in literacy.
The Facilitator Guide Bundle includes:
- The Genes & Traits Facilitator Guide, which contains extensive background information and detailed procedures
- The Genes & Traits Teacher Book, which contains teaching cases of actual classroom practice, science background information, and guided investigations that explore science in conjunction with related literacy supports and teaching practices
- Making Sense of Student Work: A Protocol for Teacher Collaboration, designed to support the learning of teachers during the school year by providing guidance in collaboratively examining and learning from their students’ work
- Digital resources that include all course materials—including the eBook edition of Making Sense of Student Work: A Protocol for Teacher Collaboration—and the Genes & Traits Formative Assessment Task Bank
Also Available
- Teacher Book Bundle: Contains the Teacher Book, Making Sense of Student Work: A Protocol for Teacher Collaboration, and a digital download that includes all course handouts, additional classroom resources, the eBook edition of Making Sense of Student Work: A Protocol for Teacher Collaboration, and the Genes & Traits Formative Assessment Task Bank
- Charts: A set of single-use 24″x 32″ wall charts that are used by facilitators to anchor discussions and provide a visual archive of teachers’ thinking in the Teacher Course
- Formative Assessment Task Bank: A collection of 20 formative assessment tasks for use with grades 5–12 students
Professional Learning
- Facilitation Academies prepare staff developers, district science leaders, and other teacher educators to effectively lead a Making Sense of SCIENCE Teacher Course
- Teacher Courses empower teachers to educate students in ways that increase engagement, promote critical thinking and analysis, and ultimately improve achievement
Visit Making Sense of SCIENCE for more information about professional development services and resources.
Resource Details
Product Information
ISBN: 978-1-938287-27-5Copyright: 2015
Format: Multimedia
Publisher: WestEd
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